Coping Strategies – Lois


Lois stressed the importance of knowing your meds and taking them as instructed.


And I also think it’s good to know your meds and what they do for you because I didn’t – well I kind of did but I was on something – I was on two meds for a very long time with one particular cardiologist and then when the other cardiologist changed them, now I’m on about five and it’s tough. It’s not easy to figure – I mean I know what they are and I have a good sense of what they do but the other two – I had Cardizem, digoxin and that was it, easy to remember. The other three – the other five I have now, there’s three exact ones and then there were two sort of auxiliary ones, the – and so it’s hard – you got to know your meds. That’s something that you got to know, your meds and what they’re for and be very responsible and compliant of your meds because there’s nothing worse than not having – not taking your meds the way you’re supposed to.

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